
Mouse Brain data: download results

The following are links to text files containing the results of our analyses.

  • Anova results. The first column is the probe name. The final results are listed as "ff" (first factor) "sf" (second factor) and fxsf (interaction). The first factor is strain, the second is region. The numbers in those columns are F values. The other columns are intermediate values used to calculate F.
  • Template match results. Each file contains three columns. The first column is the probe name, the second is the correlation coefficient with the template. The third column is the p-value.

    There are two additional analysis which were run specifically to emphasize genes which were expressed at lower levels in the cerebellum or midbrain commpared to other regions. These results are redundant to a large extent with the files above and were used only for the listings shown in Figure 2 of the Genome Biology paper. Specifically, the difference in the two analyses is that in the results listed above, the absolute value of the correlation with the template was used, so up and down regulations were equivalent. In the files listed below, the raw correlation was used and the template was specific for the downregulation pattern.

